Here listed will be a
conversation on distracted driving there are two main points: Distracted driving and why it’s dangerous, and the other point why some technology can be
helpful while driving. Distracted driving is not only harmful for the person
driving the car but also to other people around the car. Because the few
seconds you look at your phone or drop something and try to pick it up you
could potentially cause a major accident and hurt people around your friends or
family in your car. Different places have views on cell phone use, such as no
phone at all including Bluetooth, but some other places allow Bluetooth and
hands free devices.
Any distractive driving is dangerous! That includes
texting, answering phone calls, grooming such as
brushing teeth and brushing hair, Reading, including maps, using a navigation
system, watching a video, adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player, even
your emotions! Looking at your phone takes half of your focus to your hands
eyes and hearing. Texting requires one hand and eye focus, which leaves you
with little concentration for the road. The few seconds you look at your phone you’re
putting your life and if there is people in the car at risk for an accident. When
you drink and drive you are 4 times more likely to get into and accident but it’s
very different when your texting and driving because that number jumps to a 8
times more likely to crash.
When a survey was taken 50% of teenagers admit to texting
and driving. 28% of automotive crashes are because of texting and driving. Over
410,000 people have gotten injured because of distracted driving and that number keeps rising every day. The average text message that includes more than
5 words takes and average of 5 seconds to read and another 5 seconds plus to
reply so in that amount of time which is a long period you are not focused on
the road and could get into a car accident. In 2011 about ten
percent of FATAL car crashes had to do with cellular devices. And 17 percent
were injured. 495 people in 2011 were killed because the other party was using
a cell phone. Driving while using a cell phone reduces brain activity associated
with driving by 37 per cent. The ages 15-20 make 20 percent out of 27 that text
and drive. 660,000 drives during the day are on their cell
phones and driving. This number can increase and decrease every day and the
only way to help get these numbers down and to keep our roads safe is to silent
our phones and put them out of sight so we are not tempted to look at them.
Drivers accessing social media networks such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Email increased from 21% to 43% so not only
are people calling and texting they are accessing social media sites which
increases the time you have to look at your hand held device. When asking multiple
people of all age groups why they check media sites or text messages when
knowing the risk of crashing 48% of the group said because they have gotten
good at it/ and or know what buttons to push memorizing the buttons. In this
case you might than think its safer but it still requires concentration and
thinking that still takes away from your driving.
More and more people are choosing to ignore the laws of
the road. Fourteen states prohibits all hand held cell phone use while forty-four
states have banned texting and driving. There has been no state bands on
complete no use of cell phones but the efforts are getting better to make that
happen. The laws are there to try to get these numbers lower and make the
streets safer it’s not going to change overnight which is why we need to work
harder than ever to help and spread the word.
Highway Traffic Safety Admissions (NHTSA) continues to research this topic,
collect data, promote legislation, and encourage public awareness
and education. The NHTSA is trying out a high visibility enforcement project in
New York and Connecticut. Raising awareness. This project is going great they
said that the troops out there have had a strong commitment and an effective
traffic enforcement program.
for preventing distractive driving.
1. Devote
your full attention to driving.
2. If
another activity requires your attention pull over.
3. If
you have passengers don’t be afraid to ask their help.
4. Put
all electronic distractions away.
5. Make
sure children and pets are secured.
6. Eat
before getting into the car.
7. Finish
all grooming at home, or parked/pulled over.
8. Make
adjustments to the car before.
9. Store
any loose gear away or tie down.
advantages and disadvantages of distracted driving. Hands free option on the
phone or car makes it easier to accept phone calls or send texts, but the voice
recognition makes for a very aggravating and difficult time to actually use.
And could cause cognitive distraction. Which means your eyes are on the road
but your mind isn’t. Just because you’re
not using your hands doesn't mean your full concentration is on the road. Bluetooth
is safer in a sense that at least your eyes are on the road but it could still
lead to accidents. Same with navigation systems they are very helpful with
finding your destination but at the same time you could miss a turn and have to
look at the system or even read the directions any source of cell phone use or Bluetooth
is still dangerous. LaHood says that hands free isn't the
problem since it’s up to your ear while driving. She also says that most people
can’t afford Bluetooth in their car so the cell phone is easier to use. In that
case more cars being made today should include a Bluetooth option in the car to
at least minimize the deaths and accidents in America today. It would be a
little more expensive but its way better than losing a life in the long run.
conclusion any distractions in the car should be taken care of before getting
into the car, and as for cell phone use it’s important to know that you are
putting yourself and other people at risk when you are texting, calling or even
surfing the web. And for Bluetooth yes it can be helpful and could help you put
a little more focus on the road but it could be just as dangerous.
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