Monday, August 11, 2014

conclusion post

Well first off this class was beyond amazing! Not only did I have the best teacher that kept my attention but also taught the material very well! With The (E) Dentity I thought it was perfect for this generation and the next's. It got me thinking and discussing more than I ever do in any other class. I loved this subject and how our homework was presented through our blogs, I thought it was creative, fun, made homework fun, I wanted to actually do it because it wasn't hard, and the book was great as well.

I definitely learned a lot and loved that I could share my opinions and thoughts on the different subjects in class it was always my favorite class to attended to. I wouldn't change anything about the class because it is such a great pace for the faster students and the slower stressed ones like myself! If I could do anything different I would have kept up with the journals. But over all this class was great ad kept my attention the whole way through! My sense of learning is more this speed and class talks than a lecture and lots of home work because than I lose my will to do it because it gets more of a chore than fun anymore, I did not have this problem with this class, I wish there were more classes like this one! And I wished my teacher would teach higher English classes! I'm going to miss this class, my peers, and my teacher! Hope everyone has an awesome two week break!

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