Monday, July 14, 2014


Kozara, Sean. "Texting and Driving.": November, 7, 2010. 1-8. 1 July 2014
            In this article Sean Kozara an engish professor talks about the important reasons why distracting driving is so dangerous. Any distractive driving such as: Texting, talking, eating, loud music and even when your emotions dictate your mood. It takes away half of your focus to your hands eyes and hearing. Texting requires one hand and eye focus, which leaves you with little concentration for the road. Kozara compares distracted driving with Russian roulette, in a sense that yes you can look at a text or answer a phone call but at that moment you’re at high risk for a car accident! When a survey was taken 50% of teenagers admit to texting and driving. 28% of automotive crashes are because of texting and driving.  You are 4 times at risk to get in an accident under the influence than the 8 times more likely when you text and drive. And these numbers are growing every day, in order to stop this or decrease this multiple parties need to be informed like the police, teenagers, adults, seniors, automotive shops, and anything else to do with automobiles. It’s hard to resist a phone call or text, but it might just save your life if you ignore it.
"U.S. Officials Split on "Hands Free" Ban for Drivers," Dec. 21, 2011. 1 July 2014.
             The advantages and disadvantages of distracted driving. Hands free option on the phone or car makes it easier to accept phone calls or send texts, but the voice recognition makes for a very aggravating and difficult time to actually use. And could cause cognitive distraction. Which means your eyes are on the road but your mind isn’t.  Just because you’re not using your hands doesn’t mean your full concentration is on the road. It still takes away half or your focus, when you take away half of your focus the chances of you getting into an accident increase.

Keith Laing, "LaHood Steers Clear of Hands-free Cell Phone Use While Driving Debate,", Dec. 21, 2011. 1 July 2014
            This news article explains that maybe distractive driving doesn’t include hands free. LaHood says that hands free isn’t the problem since it’s up to your ear while driving. She also says that most people can’t afford Bluetooth in their car so the cell phone is easier to use. Distractive driving has killed over 3,000 people and that number is always rising. 35 states have banned texting and driving and 9 have banned any cell phone use. National traffic safety admissions survey in 2011 ages 21-24 use their cell phone while in the car whether its texting driving or on a social media site.

“Statistics on Texting & Cell Phone Use While Driving.” Edgar Snyder & Associates. 2010-2011. 1 July
2014. <>
            This article is all about distracting driving and all of its facts and statistics. Distractive driving includes: Texting, Using a cell phone or smartphone, Eating and drinking, Talking to passengers, Grooming such as brushing teeth and brushing hair, Reading, including maps, Using a navigation system, Watching a video, Adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player or music on your cell phone. Over 410,000 people have gotten injured because of distractive driving. When you look at a text message it takes an average 5 seconds, that’s five seconds you’re put at risk for a crash. Not only a crash for you and the ones in your car but maybe another party. So before you pick up your phone or reply to a text think about is it worth putting yourself and others at risk. Turn your phone off or on silent and put it somewhere you won’t be tempted to look at it. This will take time but its time well worth it if its saving lives.

"Distractive driving 2011.". N.p., 1 April, 2013. 1-6.July 1 2014 <http://www->.
The U.S department of Transportation talks about distractive driving and how it’s killed and injured many. In 2011 about ten percent of FATAL car crashes had to do with cellular devices. And 17 percent were injured. 495 people in 2011 were killed because the other party was using a cell phone. The ages 15-20 make 20 percent out of 27 that text and drive.

“WHAT IS DISTRACTED DRIVING?” Distraction December 1 2011. 1 July 2014.
General cell phone statistics and driving go hand and hand because the more you use your cell phone the more likely you are to check it if you’re on the road. 660,000 drives during the day are on their cell phones and driving. Accidents that have to do with cellular devices are completely avoidable. But more and more people are choosing to ignore the laws of the road which are putting themselves at risk, people in the same car and others around them. If you’re talking on the phone or sending a text your reaction time is as of a 75 year olds. When you take the five seconds to look down at your phone the chance of you getting into a crash goes up to 400 percent. 94 percent of people agree with the no texting and driving, and 74 percent agree with no hands free talking. Under the age of 18 46 percent admit to texting and driving. About half of the drivers admit to answering phone calls. The number of people texting is rising. More people need to be aware of the effect they can have on other drivers around them.

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